
Unlocking the Power of Mindfulness and Yoga for Kids
Better mental health and general wellbeing for kids 
  • MINDFULNESS: a super power waiting to be awakened within each child

Anxiety, stress, depression, sleep problems, these are no longer just adult worries! Sadly the number of children, many of primary school age, diagnosed with these conditions is increasing dramatically. Yet, according to the Children's Society, the majority of children and adolescents who experience mental health problems have not had appropriate interventions at a sufficiently early age.

Our children are growing up in a fast-paced world fuelled by constant reliance on technology and weighed down by pressure from peers, school and parents. We all want the best for our kids; to give them every opportunity to become happy and successful people, and often find ourselves rushing around from one extra curricular activity to another. While our kids learn new skills and hone their talents, they don't have much time to stop, take notice of what is around them in the present, to breathe, and to just BE.

What if you were able to give your child a super power that would do just that, allowing them to enjoy the journey of life in the present moment instead of always striving for the end goal?

What if that power helped your child:

 Focus and concentrate
 Sleep better
 Manage stress and anxiety
 Regulate their emotions and reactions to their feelings
 Relax and be calm
 Increase self-confidence and self-awareness

What if all of this was backed up by science and numerous research studies?

This power is in Mindfulness........

MINDFULNESS, what a lovely word! It simply refers to the mind being fully aware of the present without judgement. It is the practice of noticing your thoughts and feelings with kindness and gentle curiosity, and in so doing reconnecting with your own feelings and self.

The goal of mindfulness: 
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom” – Victor Frankl (neurologist and psychiatrist)

Through the practice of regular mindfulness, yoga and relaxation techniques, children can unlock this hidden super power within themselves and become masters of their own mind!

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